I wish that Enrollsy has a student's profile section where the parents can fill out in different stages of enrollment. When an application is submitted, we can ask them to fill out only a basic portion of the profile. When they enroll a class, they will need to fill out more sections. That student's profile information would be shared among the programs. So, if the student is enrolled in multiple programs, parents do not need to fill out the forms multiple times. I wish we can handle the child's profile such as allergy information, health information, trusted-contacts for pick-up etc. in this way instead of using the program forms. So, the child's profile information is in one place regardless of the program they are signed up. During the preschool application period, we would not ask in-depth questions such as allergies, health information, and trusted contacts for pick up. So, the amount of student profile information to fill out needs to be controlled depending on the enrollment type or phase.