Change how filters on the browse page work by only populating results once all of the filters are answered.
under review
Optimistic Aardvark
We use program options to set grade level for our classes, such as First Grade, Second Grade, etc. When that program option on the browse page is not answer, all the classes are displayed. Which is great, except that, our customers aren't paying attending and clicking on enroll on the first class they see that they want. So, in effect, they are never prompted to answer the program option for grade, it is answered for them. We're getting enrollments into the wrong class as a result.
If the classes did not populate until after all questions are answered. OR, if when the clicked enroll the system asked them to answer all the program options again, our enrollments would be in the right program.
Serena Edwards
under review
Rich Hogan
Hey Optimistic Aardvark, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the process of answering all program options before class enrollment?
- Are there any specific program options that you believe should be mandatory for customers to answer before they can enroll?
- Could you share any specific instances where this issue has caused significant problems?