Upgraded Tagging
Rich Hogan
We are looking to add system tags at the Account/Contact, Enrollee, and Enrollment level. This will simplify the product and reduce the need for so many custom pages/screens. This change will require additional changes to key areas that are going to take some time.
Account/contact tags:
- Primary / Secondary / Payer
- Active / Inactive
- New / Returning
- ! Card / ! Bank Account
- ! Invoice > 60+ Days
- Emergency contact / Approved for pickup / Account access
Enrollee tags (not Enrollment, which we currently have):
- Active / Inactive
- New / Returning
Enrollment tags
- Coupon code names
With these, we can significantly reduce the number and complexity of screens.
We also need to give Admins the ability to create conditional tagging at the Account, Enrollee, and Enrollment level based on responses to form fields. For instance, a "No" response to a photo consent form needs to tag the Enrollee with a "No photos" tag, and so on for allergies or anything else the user wants to automate.
In this way, the vast majority of tagging is done behind the scenes without effort beyond initial setup, enabling incredible filtering on a single page for almost any kind of report or list.
Rich Hogan
Excited to have this one done! You can now place tags on Accounts and Enrollees, so things like allergies, no photo, and other timeless tags will not need to be re-added each enrollment. There will be future updates to tags to further extend their usefulness and automation.
Rich Hogan
Merged in a post:
Triggered Enrollment Tag Expansion
Plum Raccoon
Ability to auto tag enrollees based on custom question responses.
Rich Hogan
Merged in a post:
Connect tags to coupon code
Optimistic Aardvark
Allow automatic tagging of enrollments based on the coupon code used during enrollment. Similar to how tags can be triggered by a specific charge item.
Rich Hogan
in progress
We are now in the design and planning phase for tags. I have merged a few posts together and renamed tem in an effort to streamline these requests.
Rich Hogan
Merged in a post:
Billing Level Tags
Stuck Basilisk
There is information that I would like to tag the billing account page and not a specific enrollee. like if they are using a partnership, or have a tuition assistance agreement or aother discount. I would like that option on the Accounts page as well, but I see someone has already requested that (I bumped that upt, too)
Rich Hogan
Merged in a post:
Account Tags
Rich Hogan
Allow Admins to Tag Accounts in addition to Enrollments
Rich Hogan
This is great feedback. Thank you for sharing and for voting. In some current redesign work, we are looking to make this change by having a separate billing tab where you will be able to create notes that will stay with the Account forever. We are also planning to make Account-level tags. Would these two solutions work for you?
Rich Hogan
under review